Monday, October 29, 2019 – Nina F. Blog Assignment #11


Hello, East House! I’m your scribe for the week, and I want to go back to the week that Mrs. Edwards was sadly gone, and we focused on personality types by taking two tests, the 16 personalities one and the one we had to retake with a partner to see if our scores increased or not. I found it interesting and fun to learn about ourselves, and it’s ironic how in denial we can become to who we are. Yet, as we read these pages, most of the time we’re, like, “Oh. Yeah. That’s right. Oh, wait – no. That’s right too now that I think about it.”

As we begin to pick our majors and colleges we are going to apply for, I wanted everyone to find out more about themselves through their individual personality types. For this reason, I want everyone to go this website:

It is your choice of whether or not you want to read everything or read solely your own personality type, but I want you to think about how accurate the article is about you. Based on your personality type, it gives you the most recommended learning method and where you thrive.

For this week’s prompt, I want you to answer some of these questions or all of them: Did the learning method for your personality type suit you best? Why or why not? Do you think schools should separate classes by personality types to enhance everyone’s learning abilities?

As an extra thing: I’m curious to see how these methods work. Try a new learning method this week that fits with your personality type that you didn’t normally do previous. For example, if it says my type learns best by relating topics to personal connections and I don’t normally attempt that, I would try doing that for a couple days. Tell us how it turns out. It would be interesting to know.

Image result for personality meme

26 thoughts on “Monday, October 29, 2019 – Nina F. Blog Assignment #11

  1. Hey Nina,
    The personality tests Edwards made us take were surprisingly accurate, at least in my case. When reading this, I found that some points made about my personality were also very accurate. To answer your question, my learning method was very hands-on, I think that I definitely learn better when my senses are stimulated. I am also more of a note-taking / memorizing learner in some subjects which is also a point made in the article and the original description of the first personality test we took. When considering the separation of learning methods, I think that it sounds like an alright idea, but it also kind of takes away the socialization that comes with school. During school hours we interact with different people and it helps us form bonds and improve communication and social skills we’d need in the future. Though it should be considered that if our learning method is accustomed to the way things are taught they have a better chance to increase knowledge. However, nowadays I feel that teachers are already changing up their teaching methods in ways that accustom to how everyone learns. It may be slow, but it’s happening.

    My question to everyone else is: Considering the teaching method given to you by the article, what is a way we can incorporate your “personality-matched-teaching-method” into today’s criteria/agenda?

  2. After reading the article, and based off of what I got taking the previous activity Edwards assigned us, I’d say I sort of agree with what the article identifies me by. I consider myself to be introverted, and and my whole family are introverted. Stated in this article, introverts love to take time to understand the world and everythign around them, the meanings behind certain things. I’d say I totally agree with this, I love to think about certain aspects of the world and I question why things that happen, happen. Also stated, we are sociable, but we take our time before engaging others in conversation. I agree with this, I’m quite the social person, but when I choose to be. Most of the time I prefer to be by myself and just daydream and think to myself. To answer the promt, I’d say that this article was a little incorrect with how I personally learn. I actually prefer to work in groups rather than individually, but that may just be because I’ve been trained to do so because of Ipoly. But what the other question, if students should be put together by personality, I actually found that to be quite interesting, and I believe we should give it a try. I feel that if we were in an enviroment where we were most comfortable, like say around a bunch of people who are similar to how you are, we’d be more comfortable in learning.

    To ask my own question, do you believe that personality tests and activities and such accurately define who you are and how your personality is?

  3. After looking at my personality type on the article, I think that the learning method for my personality type is for the most part pretty fitting. I work best in an independent environment where I have some time think and work before responding to a question. One part that really stuck out with me in agreement was, “They can be sociable but need space and time alone to recharge their batteries. Introverts want to understand the world. They prefer to figure out things before they talk about them.” (“Personality Types and Learning.” Western Nevada College, That statement of how introverts learn is spot on accurate for me personally. Another thing that was pretty accurate for my way of learning is that I seek out patterns and relationships between the content that I’m being taught as well as try to create a personal connection to the material. Some things that didn’t really suit me even though it was under my personality type was that it said my personality type was bothered by an instructor who is detached and that they start many tasks without completing them. Those statements don’t describe my method of learning at all which is why for the most part the article suits me, but not on a 100% accuracy level. I don’t schools should separate classes by personally types in an attempt to enhance everyone’s learning abilities because it creates single way learning environment. What I mean is when the class is a mix of different types of learners, the teacher has to try and cater to everyone which creates a unique and diverse mix of learning methods. People get better when they’re exposed to new ways as well as improve on their own.

    In response to Christian, I don’t think that personality tests and activities accurately define who a person is because we’re all different in some way and there really is no way to guarantee that that was your personality overall. It’s possible you were going through a rough patch or the complete opposite and that was you personality for that time being. I think that personality tests can offer an insight into who you are or suggest some plausible conclusions, but I don’t think that can accurately define who a person is. People change all the time, so it really just depends on an individual case by case scenario, not a generally broad description.

    Going back to Edwards’ explanation about how she’s gotten a different personality type after a major event or milestone in her life, a question that came to mind was do you think it’s more common for a person’s personality to remain relatively the same during their life or do they go through multiple personality types in their life? Why do you think that is?

  4. Hey Nina! Cool post!

    The learning method for my personality type certainly described the way that I enjoy learning. I definitely do enjoy the interaction of others and my learning. Interacting with others and collaborating on my projects is definitely a method that keeps me focused on a task. I definitely am also a person who doesn’t enjoy the idea of being boxed in by deadlines or plans.

    Do you think schools should separate classes by personality types to enhance everyone’s learning abilities?

    Although I think it would really be a cool idea to separate each person by their personality types, I don’t really see how schools could implement it. It is very hard to test someone’s personality through a test and get it completely accurate.

    Judy: To ask my own question, do you believe that personality tests and activities and such accurately define who you are and how your personality is?

    Absolutely not. A test with some questions can not truly define who you are. Depending on a person and the test, result can differentiate, but a test can not 100% define your personality.

    My question: If you ran a school and were to implement classes divided by students’ personalities, how would you do it?

  5. I personally read through all the personality types, but I had started with reading my own, since I felt more compelled to read what I was matched with. What I had gotten was INFP-T, which according to Nina F.’s article, means “INTROVERT, INTUITIVE, FEELING, PERCEIVING, THINKING”. Although I did not feel as though these personality tests accurately depicted who I am, I still found them interesting nonetheless. To answer Nina F.’s questions for her blog assignment this week, I personally did feel as though the learning method for my personality suited me somewhat. For example, under the introverted column, the article stated, “Introverted students tend to enjoy reading, lectures, and written over oral work. They prefer to work independently, do well at verbal reasoning, and need time for internal processing. They enjoy listening to others talk about a topic while privately processing the information. Introverts may encounter difficulty with instructors who speak quickly without allowing time for mental processing. They are often uncomfortable in discussion groups, may find it difficult to remember names, and hesitate to speak up in class.” (Western Nevada College,, 2018). What I related to the most in this paragraph on work habits was that introverts tended to need more time for mental processing, and were often uncomfortable when needing to speak up. Although what did not feel fitting for me was when they mentioned that they enjoyed lectures. Next, I do not think schools should separate classes by personality types to enhance everyone’s learning abilities. Though these tests do claim to be backed by some science, I don’t think there is enough definitive proof to actually apply this to schools. Of course people have environments in which they work better in, but personalities and work habits change, and people need to learn how to adapt.
    After reading my peers’ comments, in response to Christian L.’s question, I do not think that personality tests and activities and such accurately define who you are and how your personality is because the categories that these tests put people into are so broad, that you can pick and choose which ones apply to you, and pick a “perfect personality” type from that. There’s at least one thing that anyone can choose from any random category, and say that applies to them, even though it may not be what personality type they were given via results from a test.
    To form a question of my own: If personality types were applied to schools, and students were divided because of them, what would be some main pros and cons to this new approach to education?

  6. Hello Nina!
    First, love all the gifs and the topic this week. After the personality test I was a little unsure about my result. I could see some valid points that I definitely have, but there was one that was really wrong that is important, so I was a little lost on the accuracy of my result. But after reading the different traits that are associated with my personality type I know see that maybe I am a campaigner. I was so surprised because they were very accurate and the best methods for me in class and to learn were also right. It was bizarre to read. But for the question, if we should separate classes by different personalities, I think no because we don’t need to discriminate people. Teachers should try to involve every style in their courses so students can learn in their best ways but also be able to work on the skills they aren’t as good in. I think we need to stop finding ways to separate people and just acknowledge the differences but stay unified. This also is my answer for Bernard’s question about separating students based on their personalities. No matter what to me schools should not divide students.
    My question is based on these personalities do you think you can on paper find the type of people you would or wouldn’t work best with?

  7. I do believe that my personality type fit my learning abilities completely. Although my work gets done, it is not always of the best quality and gets done late. Procrastination and laziness are things I struggle with most and my personality type fit that best.
    I do not believe that personality types should be separated between classes. The point of school and learning is to interact with different people and expand your knowledge of different persons.
    I don’t think that you would be able to find people you work best with depending on similar personality types. People tend to work worse with people of the same mentality and ideas. Mixing with others can aid in the process of new work being finished.

    Does a personality type really define who someone is or can they appear different in person?

  8. Based on this article I can say some personality types represent me very well but miss out on a few things. Other personality types have some of what I am but do not capture me as a whole. So I can conclude that I am a mixture of multiple personalities, as many people are as well.

    If I had to choose a personality type I would choose an Introvert. This is partly because I have aways seen myself as one. When the article said introverts “are energized by the inner world of reflection, thought, and contemplation,” I knew that this was my main type. I love to imagine things and think of a lot of fictional and sometimes theoretical concepts. And I want to say that I could imagine better than anyone but there is no real way to prove it. I always wished that somehow imagination would turn into my superpower but I have not been gifted with a green ring yet.

    I also agreed with the article when it said “[introverts] are more comfortable if they are not required to speak in class but are allowed to voluntarily contribute.” I love to speak but only when I want to. If I am learning about a boring topic or I am having a bad day than the last thing I want to do is speak. If I am interested in the topic then I wouldn’t mind bestowing my wisdom upon my peers.

    I do not think that students should be separated by their personality types. The real world is not separated by personality types and school is getting children ready for the world. In addition to that in order for there to be Introverts in a class there needs to be Extroverts. One cannot exist without the other. There is a balancing act that needs to be maintained in a classroom. In my interview for the upcoming component, the teacher said that students learn from students. So I think it would be best to keep a variety of students in the same class.

    I completely agree with Sidney when she said “I think we need to stop finding ways to separate people and just acknowledge the differences but stay unified.” For some reason too many people see different as bad. It is not hard to see that there are many good things that could come out of different groups of people working together. We all see the world with different eyes. With those different eyes are different “truths.” By working together we can help each other see a different way to reach the ultimate truth.

    My question: Imagine that the world is invaded by Aliens. One might think that the entire world would work together to fight the common enemy. Do you think all nations would push aside their differences to fight the Aliens? And if they did and won, how do you think our concept of division would change?

  9. Hello Nina!

    The concept of personality types and the ramifications of personality on learning are extremely intriguing and I am excited to answer this week’s prompt. Although most of the learning methods for my learning type (ISTP) suited me well, not all of them did. I felt as if the learning method for introverts suited me perfectly, “learn best through quiet, mental reflection. Their attention will naturally flow inward to their own thoughts, ideas and impressions.” (“Personality Types and Learning”). I know that I need silence and time to reflect in order to fully learn a concept; therefore, this learning method accurately described me. However, I did not feel that the S (Sensual) learning style suited me well, and I felt as if the N (Intuitive) suited me better. The sensual learning style consists of heavily relying on the senses to enhance their learning. I rarely find myself doing this and prefer the intuitive learning style. This style consists of seeking out patterns, relationships, and looking for the “big picture”. Oftentimes, I find myself looking for patterns, whether it be in mathematics or English. The final two learning styles of my personality, T & P, seem to accurately portray my own style of learning. As a thinker, I thrive in using logic and rationale, as well as problem solving. Typically I tend to think with my head, and not my heart. This style also applies to the classroom in which I try to logic my way through the class curriculum. As for P (Perceiving), being spontaneous and thriving on procrastination accurately depicts me. I will often work on multiple assignments simultaneously and work well under pressure. Overall, I do believe that the learning styles for my personality suit me best.

    To answer your second question, I do believe that schools should separate students by personality types. In an ideal world, teachers would be assigned to a certain personality type in order to maximize the learning of the students. However, I do not think that we have the dedication and resources available to make this happen. As Bernard said, it would be extremely difficult to implement correctly and accurately.

    To answer Judy’s question, I believe that it is more common for a person’s personality type to change multiple times throughout their lives. I believe this is so because we meet people and experience experiences that change us in many ways. To remain the same personality type throughout one’s whole life seems static and boring. I believe that it is in people’s best interest to have a change once in a while

    Now to pose my own question to the class: Do you think humans tend to befriend people with similar personality types or completely different ones? Why?

  10. After taking the personality test twice, I realized that some of the point were valid, but others weren’t. Most point I even though I didn’t agree with them I have to admit they were part of my personality others I was a little on both sides, but some I completely disagreed with. The ones I disagreed with I asked some of my closest friends and they agreed with me which made me feel lots better knowing I wasn’t characterized with those bad personality points. After reading the traits associated with my personality I would have to admit that I am a consul and most of the methods it gave me for learning were sort of right it was like it knew who I was. For the question Nina asked about classes being separated into different personality, I would have to say no because we as students need to learn how to interact with people with different personalities and we really don’t need to discriminate other who’s personality’s aren’t the best. If we have mixed personalities in each class room teachers can try to incorporate the different teaching methods to their lessons in a way everyone can be happy and understand.
    To answer Daniel’s question about a personality test define who the person is, in my opinion no a personality test doesn’t define who a person is because they aren’t that advanced to show the personality exactly correct. It can give you a glance of your personality type.
    My question to everyone out there would be: how often do you think someone should take a personality test and why?

  11. Ok, let me start off by saying it was scary how accurate the results for the test was. Seriously it described everything about me to a T, that’s just terrifying. So now looking at this article and seeing my personality type, do these things read my mind cause seriously how can they know this about me. The learning methods for me do actually suit me and actually describe me, again noting how terrifyingly accurate this is. But as for the question of whether schools should separate class by personalities, no they should not. Just because one person has a different method of teaching doesn’t mean they should be discriminated amongst other people.

    Response to Judy: I do think that a person’s personality changes as they go through their life. I think this because I remember I used to be an outgoing person eager to meet people but now I like to stick to myself and am shy with new people.

    Question: If you were too separated students into different classes based entirely on their personality, how would you do it?

  12. Hi Nina! This article was very helpful and I’m glad I got to read it because it made me understand myself a little bit more. I would describe myself as an introvert because if I were to choose to stay home or go to a party and socialize, I would be very happy to just relax at home and do what I want. It gets stressful for me to talk to new people and to open up easily. I can be sociable and talk alot to people I am comfortable with and it takes a while for me to converse with others easily. As I read about introverts I realized how accurate it was. For example in the article, it states that“they enjoy listening to others talk about a topic while privately processing the information. Introverts may encounter difficulty with instructors who speak quickly without allowing time for mental processing. They are often uncomfortable in discussion groups, may find it difficult to remember names, and hesitate to speak up in class.” I truly relate to this because I usually stay quiet when it comes to lectures or when a teacher asks a question. I would need a while to process everything and usually the teachers goes way too fast and I end up being behind. I would also hesitate to speak up because I feel uncomfortable and I need time to think of what to say. I think the learning method for teacher to give us a moments of silence to help us process information would be hard because some might not want to. This might be because of their teaching methods or they have no time for it. I think schools sort people based on their personality types because then everyone will have the similar problem and would be at the same pace. It would then be easier to work together to solve the problems they have and it is easy to do so because they relate to it.
    Christian’s Question: Do you believe that personality tests and activities and such accurately define who you are and how your personality is?
    Whenever I hear personality tests I would think of those buzzfeed quizzes that I think are weird and unnecessary to take (but fun for some people) and I thought about those very broad horoscopes that can apply to mostly everyone reading it. When I took Edward’s personality test I was so surprised as to how accurate it was. It was very helpful, and like thoe one Nina told us to read, I got to understand myself a lot better. I think it depends on the personality tests we take and the research that was put into it. I think that we shouldn’t define ourselves by how others think we are (especially if it was behind a screen) but when it comes to certain personality test that are trustworthy, it can be very interesting and helpful.

    As I was writing I was thinking that is we do sort people into the personality types, would people be upset with the group that they were put into? I thought of the book Divergent where they grouped people into factions based on their values and ability. There was the brave, kind, intelligent, selfless, and the honest. Of course we are taking a different approach in the personalities we use, but do you think that dividing students based on their personality will cause a divide in our society? What if people will discriminate others based on what personality they are (since we will be prioritizing it)?

  13. Happy Thursday, everyone! Fun Fact: The first MBTI assessment was developed in 1943. It has gone through a few revisions since then but having an assessment this old has given the Myers-Briggs Foundation the ability not just to test the results over time (reliability and validity) but it’ given them the opportunity to collect demographic data of those taking the assessment. There is a slew of information including statistics and charts regarding the distribution of the 16 personality types related to (but not limited to) gender, occupation, learning style, and even those most susceptible to substance abuse. Since the inception of the MBTI assessment, it has also been translated into over 30 languages so it can be used around the world and there is data on that as well!
    Anyways, as I read through the various personality types, after reading my own first, I questioned the accuracy of the personality that I was classified as Commander. Many of the in-depth descriptions give, like being introverted was very hard to relate to. I find myself to be more of in between an extroverted as well as an introverted person. Although I did not feel as though these personality tests accurately depicted who
    I am, I still found the descriptions very interesting.

    To answer Nina’s question, my learning methods vary. I learn better when my senses are stimulated as well as interact with peers who understand the same material. I am also more of a note-taking/memorizing learner in some subjects which is also a point made in the article and the original description of the first personality test we took. I believe that separating learning method takes away the socialization and individuality of a person when it comes to school experiences. School hours allows for the interactions and bonding with different people as well as develop better communication skills. No one should ever be limited to that creative mindset of theirs. I believe that this factor is always what keeps our milestones in success.

    My question: Knowing the personality types that are shared amongst the world, do you think that many of the outcomes have a relationship/link to the moral standards and values we have followed since birth? What types of factors play in the development of a personality type in general?

  14. After reading the article and what teaching methods are thought to be best suited for my personality I agreed with some things but disagreed with some others. The main reasoning behind that is I think that when it comes to being in a classroom I like things I wouldn’t normally like in my normal life. When I first saw the topic I assumed it would match me with teaching styles that I liked and preferred considering that my personality test pretty much hit a bullseye. My personality ISTP-T or “Virtuoso” as it’s listed on 16Personalities, consists of the following “I”- Introvert, “S”- Sensing, “T” – Thinking, “P”- Perceiving, “-T” – I actually have no clue. For starters, Introvert is definitely correct so I won’t spend much time there but, the teaching method had the following to say “They need sufficient time to complete their work and to think before answering a question. They need instructors to allow a moment of silence” and “They are more comfortable if they are not required to speak in class but are allowed to voluntarily contribute”. Those statements are incredibly true, but I ran into some issues with. The “S” it states that Sensing types learn best when using all of their senses whereas I feel that I would be better suited in teaching methods used for Intuitive. Other than that though everything else checked out except for a sentence or two here and there. I’m not sure if i think schools should separate students based on their preferred teaching methods. Recently I learned of a school by the name of Ad Astra, the school is inside of the SpaceX facility and is attended by 40 students. The small school was founded by Elon Musk. Ad Astra chooses to allow students to opt out of subjects that they are not interested in. I think this method of teaching would be much more beneficial to students. In the end, I don’t think changing teaching methods would affect much because, at the end of the day, students will not learn much or anything if students aren’t interested in the topic. So, in my eyes changing teaching methods might help a few cases here and there but I wonder how much of an impact it will actually hold.

    In response to Christian, no, I don’t believe that tests and activities can accurately determine someone’s personality. I think that these tests and activities help serve a purpose in explaining some things to us and can do a fairly good job giving you the basics of someone’s personality. There are so many other features to people’s personalities that the test will never mention. For instance, if you looked up all the personality of someone who is ISTP-T like myself, how much would you really know about me? All you would really find out is the basic things you could probably pick up on by observing my behavior for a short portion of the time. Furthermore, say you do read every little thing about an ISTP-T personality, and you’re an ISTP-T, does that now mean that both you and I have identical personalities? Because according to that letter sequence, we do.

    My question to the class is similar to Christian’s, but do you believe that someone’s zodiac/astrology signs, accurately depict the person themselves, and why do you think it has become such a large practice? Day by Day people ask “what’s your zodiac sign?” but why do we choose to conform to the personalities were given at birth? Or is simply that the month we were born in heavily impacts our personalities and thus zodiac signs give us an accurate look at ourselves?

  15. Im the type of person who takes 101 buzfeed quizzes and then trashes all of them. I find it difficult to completely agree with any type of test I’ve taken because, the majority of the time only one section is correct and the rest is totally wrong. Even the test Mrs. Edwards had us take was pretty off. In fact they tend to be so innacurate I’ve come to question myself and how well I know my person aswell as how accurately I answer the questions. In response to Ninas questions, the learning methid that this provided I believe would suit me or does. Im a handson tyoe of person and I do get distracted amongst others, mostly because I feed off of other people’s energy. I enjoy group projects that involve more hands on activities, discussions and any way of sharing and learning about others’ ideas and beliefs. I had never thought about separating kids into classes depending on learning types but come to think of it theres some ups and downs. On fhe bright side the kids could benefit obviously since their needs would be met, however a side effect or harm could be the fact that they would not be learning to adapt to other methods of learning and teaching.

    My question: Should we comsider this idea of separating classes by teaching methods for our BABS project?

  16. Hey Nina, I really like your topic this week because it gives me a chance to talk about myself, and I love that for me. The article stated that extraverts learn and work better with other people and that’s really funny to me because I have been thinking about finding a buddy to do homework with. I feel like I would be more motivated when I’m working with another person. On top of that, just as the article stated, I would be able to more easily get my ideas flowing because I could talk about them with someone. It says intuitive students sometimes forget to read the entire question in a problem and miss a key point, and how ironic that I find myself doing that way too much. I think that separating students based on their personality is definitely a concept but I think it would be hard to execute. It could potentially help students academically but it would for sure help students meet people that they perhaps “click” with better.

    Hi Judy, I believe that people go through multiple personalities in their lifetime because with everything that happens to us, we change many times. There may be a one letter change but we are still changing. Just looking at Ms. Edwards, for example, shows how at certain points in your life you can be an introvert and then suddenly you find yourself being an extravert. I feel like this change occurs because of environmental factors. Some points of your life may cause you to have to be an extravert or maybe a little judgy, either way we can change and even change back.
    I wanted to ask you guys How accurate do you feel these personality tests are? Do you think the limited amount of personalities are enough for all of the people in the world? I thought we were all unique.

  17. My personality type is INFP.

    As I was reading through the ideal learning techniques for each category of my personality type, I found myself reflecting on particular lessons, projects, tests, etc. in which the learning methods reigned true. The article stated that introverts prefer reading, lectures, and written work over oral work. Though reading has never been a subject of interest for me, I do prefer reading small passages for assignments and writing over speaking. This coincides with the article’s further statements which say that they are uncomfortable in discussion groups and that they often hesitate to speak up. This made me think of harkness discussions. I often find myself thinking more about ideas to say to contribute to the conversation, but often only end up speaking very few times because I am hesitant to speak up and I take time to process everything that is being said (which the article also states is an introvert characteristic). Also, the preference to work independently and learning best through quiet mental reflection are some other factors that the article stated which accurately described how I learn.

    The intuitive aspect of my personality also supports that I “would rather think than do (“Personality Types and Learning”),” meaning that I take my time to process information. The article also accurately indicated that my personality makes me frustrated with slow teaching because I often lose attention from lessons n which I have already grasped the concept and I like opportunities for self-instruction. However, I disagreed with the central claim that because I am more intuitive, I act on a hunch. I actually find myself thinking more about the details before coming to a conclusion.

    When it came to the feeling aspect of my personality, the article stated that I am most engaged with learning when there is a personal connection which I think is true for me. Additionally, like the article states, I do enjoy working in groups (depending on group members and assignment), I learn by helping others, and I study well with others. The article also made me realize that having a personal relationship with my instructors is beneficial to my learning since I do get encouraged by reassurance and feedback helps me to improve. I also find that I a more engaged in lessons conducted by instructors that I feel comfortable talking to.

    The perceiving aspect of learning was the most accurate for me. It stated that I do not like deadlines or plans, that I gather as much information as I can before reaching a conclusion, that I am most engaged by subjects that are new and different, that I procrastinate, that I am energized by pressure, and that I work best under pressure. It also stated that when it comes to bigger projects, I work best when they are broken down into sub-assignments which is why I appreciate that Mrs. Schiller broke down the 3rd component into three assignments.

    Side note: I think it is for these reasons that I enjoyed PEP so much because I got to work individually, I saw a purpose in my work, I worked at my own pace, it did not require me to speak, and the assignment was broken down into checks.

    Response to Fernando: As Mrs. Edwards stated in class, we are consistently evolving as individuals so I think it is important to take the personality test after milestones or life experiences. Doing so will allow you to understand how you function both as an individual and with others and it may help you to adopt lifestyle changes which coincide with your personality.

    Question: If schools tailored their curriculum to the students learning and work ethic based on personality type, how could it pose negative effects for the students since they would only practice particular sets of skills that are ideal to only their personality and since their personality is continuously developing?

  18. Hello Nina!
    Upon reading the article, I found that the learning methods for my personality type were fitting. For the most part, they had to do with logical/independent environments. Reflecting on my personality type, INTP, I think that may have extrovert tendencies. Although I value the quiet and time to work independently, I’m not the most hesitant when it comes to discussions. With that being said, I think I’m very much so an introvert, but I’m comfortable with my peers. I typically say what I want to say, but spend a long time criticizing my words. I don’t think that schools should separate classes by personality types. My reasoning for this is that the real world doesn’t cater to an individual. As adults, we must learn how to adapt. Schools can be more sensitive to those that need the extra help, but I don’t find it mandatory to cater to students in this way. I don’t believe that there will ever be a system that is perfect, but that’s how growth is achieved.

    Just to continue on Nina’s post. I found that I resonated a lot with my personality type. Rather than being in denial, it was a time of realization. it made me think about my tendencies and how I perform in social settings. Here are some points that provided themselves as food for thought:
    “They direct their energy and attention inward and receive energy from reflecting on their thoughts, memories, and feelings.”
    “They can be sociable but need space and time alone to recharge their batteries.”
    “…they’d rather think than do.”
    “They follow their head rather than their heart, value truth over tact, and sometimes appear blunt and uncaring about the feelings of others.”

    Here’s my question for you guys!! Because these statements sparked a lot of personal reflection within myself, did anything make you feel the same way? If so, what were they?

  19. I believe my personality test was for the most part accurate. However, I don’t agree with the all of the teaching methods associated with my personality. The learning methods for ENTP’s are as follows:

    1. They will find many college tasks challenging (reading, research, writing) because they are solitary endeavors.
    2. They do well studying with a friend.
    3. Extraverts will learn best if they study as if they are preparing to teach someone else.
    4. Extraverted students work best in classrooms that allow time for discussion, talking and/or working with a group.
    5. Intuitive students thrive when they have opportunities to be inventive and original and to find ways to solve problem
    6. Thinking students will understand best when material is presented in a logical, orderly fashion.
    7. When dealing with the abstract, they need to have the logic in the material pointed out
    8. They study best when surges of impulsive energy come to them.

    Reading through the learning methods associated with my personality type lead to a few inconsistencies. The learning methods associated with thinking (t) and perceiving (p) had polar opposite results. My personality type has many inconsistencies and overall does not match the type of student I am. I do not enjoy group discussions because conflict makes me anxious. I enjoy hands-on activities, but I wouldn’t go as far to say that hands-on activities are the best learning methods for me. There isn’t one learning method that is just right for me. The way I learn differs depending on the subject.

    To answer Nina’s original question, no I don’t think that students should be separated based on learning type. Students need to be well rounded and should be exposed to multiple teaching methods. Not all teaching methods are successful in all subjects. For example, hands-on activities will be more suited for a science or history classroom opposed to an algebra class.

    Christian brought up in his blog post the validity of personality tests. Not all personality tests are accurate should be taken into consideration. The personality test Edward’s made our entire grade take is one of the most accurate personality tests and has significant research behind it. I don’t think that a personality test defines us or who we our. A personality test is assessing our habits. Our personalities change over time and rarely remain stagnant.

    My question: Should our personality types be taken into consideration in the college admissions process?

  20. My personality test in my respective were pretty accurate. For the one Ms. Edwards had us take most things were true. However, something I could not compare to like being a mother. My test taking type wasn’t completely correct because I don’t learn in just one way, but in various.
    Answer to Alondra’s question:
    I don’t think our personality should be taken into consideration for college applications. I don’t think that we as of now have one personality test that completely describes our individual personality 100%. Some test don’t provide one sole personality to describe us, we might have multiple personalities. The test taking portion for our personality would have to be excessive and need to be accurate. How could this be?
    My question: Do you think that personality test will become a contributing aspect of everyday life? Why or why not?

  21. Response to Prompt:
    The way my personality learns does not really suit me personally. As there were other things that didn’t match in terms of my actual personality, but Do I think that schools should separate classes by personality, no. This is because I feel that people should always be exposed to all different personalities and personality types. People should learn how to interact and collaborate with all people.

    Response to Damian:
    To respond to Damian’s question I don’t believe that horoscope signs depict a person’s real personality traits. I believe it is based off of loose observations and no real science. Why people do this? I think it is human nature for people to find a reason for everything. This horoscope idea is just another thing people use as an explanation for the things that occur in this world.

    My question:
    Why do we take these type of test? What does it do for us? Does it help us understand ourselves?

  22. Response to prompt:
    I was actually surprised at how accurate my personality test results were to me. My character was an Entertainer and many of the traits that it had fit me pretty well. The one that stuck out to me the most was the part that said, “Entertainers often get bored really easily.” Your question, “do you think schools should separate classes by personality types to enhance everyone’s learning abilities,” is quite fascinating because it’s something that I haven’t thought of before. But I don’t think that school should be separated by personality types because this would definitely cause a bias against other personality types and usually the people that you hang out with don’t have the same personality type as you.
    Response to Daniel:
    Daniel’s question was, “Does a personality type really define who someone is or can they appear different in person?” I think that who a person really is and the person that they show to others can be entirely different. For example, although I was classified as an extroverted entertainer, I am normally reserved and stay with the same group of people.
    My Question: What were some aspects of your personality type test that you liked? Disliked?

  23. I believe that students shouldn’t have separated classes mainly because students should learn to interact with different people. Though the article did mention that ”Students whose learning styles are compatible with the teaching styles of a course instructor tend to retain information longer, apply it more effectively, learn more.” the article also mention that a student is able to increase their ability in succeed in the course. I understand that classifying the students to a classroom that fits the best of their abilities can help them improve but interacting with other people and different personalities can help many understand someone whos not so similar to themselves. I like to agree with Fernando when he said, “we really don’t need to discriminate other who’s personality’s aren’t the best.” With superstition comes issues and we don’t need major issues building up. Besides a mixed personality groups gives everyone the benefit to understand teachers with different methods which will lead to increase their ability to understand and learn their teaching.
    In response to Damian I don’t believe astrology signs depict a person just like that, I like to think that this practice has become popular due to social media and the idea of wanting to know what are you or a person is like. This is probably come up so much in young adults because it just seems like a fun and interesting topic.

    My question for all now is do believe that people agree with zodiac signs because they for sure know themselves and consider themselves in this specific category or they just recall moments and specific events where they believed themselves to be or have such characteristics in that moment ?

    “Personality Types and Learning.” Western Nevada College, 2018,

  24. Hello Nina. I found myself relating to the learning methods mentioned for my personality in the article. I think many of them were very fitting. I particularly related to the methods relating to the Intuitive and Perceiving parts of my personality type. I thrive on spontaneity but I need to know the purpose of the task I am given. Plans just don’t work with my assignments, I need to jump in head first and sort it out as I go.
    Schools should not separate their students by personality types. I agree with what Daniel stated in his blog response, we need to learn how to work with others who are different. If we only work with people who work the same way we do, it will be difficult to integrate with others outside of the classroom.
    In response to Sebastian: Speaking from my personal experience, my best friend and I have very different personalities. We are united by other factors and get along perfectly fine. I think you can have a totally different personality from a person but still connect well.
    My question: What are some of (if any) the aspects of the methods described for your type that you disagreed with? What would you replace them with?

  25. Hey its Naman,
    Yes, overall I do believe that the personality types mentioned in the article that I believe were in accordance with the teaching types that I prefer were right with my personality. I do believe this because of the fact that as I overviewed each branch and saw how that specific branch associated with the teaching method, I saw that it was closer and closer to not only how I perform in class and organize my work, but how I think in class and perceive and the knowledge that is presented to me, entertaining the idea that people really do have different personalities not in life but in class as it shows that towards the next question, yes in some form or fashion we should implement a way to split and teach kids in the way they want to and would be most beneficial to them, as not only would it increase the standards of teaching overall in America but as mentioned in the article: “This MBTI explains personality types in greater depth, which can be useful in developing strategies for more effective study, better time management, smoother communications, more successful relationships, selecting courses and majors, and developing our less-preferred ways of learning.”(“Personality Types and Learning.” Western Nevada College, 2018,

    In response to Samantha’s question, the methods that I disagree with the personalities that I associated with me are actually none as this website has been the most accurate personality matcher to date and with all the 4 types that associate with me, the Extravert type connects the most, especially within the classroom as that is exactly how I act, and to quote what Jacqueline G. said: “I understand that classifying the students to a classroom that fits the best of their abilities can help them improve but interacting with other people and different personalities can help many understand someone whos not so similar to themselves.”.

    My Question: Do you think that people should be individually classified with a personality type when applying to any school so that they can better be understood when learning in class? Why or Why not?

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